Sep 14, 2009

i know what monsters want i know what monsters like

EMP bombs whether nuclear or other type of bomb can be done on the cheap. Sure the military can respond with no problem but that doesn’t help me with the little fried motherboards on my car.
If bomb shelters were in style why i would have to write about something else.
I’ll wait till my favorite celebrity warns me.
Another scary thought where the science is as cold as the teeeeth on a starving vampire is we all have access to cheaper and cheaper technology it gets easier for ANYBODY to have larger and larger body counts when they unleash their machinations.
Any fanatical culture group will use these things.
Other things are more accessible too. Many or most people are googleable in America. I’m barely googleable, and what is found is only a foggish facsimile. I’m not mysterious or important. I’m poor.

Sep 13, 2009

some days just being alive is pretty fucking sexy

When the second plane hit everybody instantly guessed correctly that it was terrorists/fanatical Islamic actions. Before it happened it was expected, just not knowing the timing or size.
Not trying to effect your vote for leaders bla bla long story short bla bla most likely your children will pray for bomb shelters if they don’t have one and if it’s not in the right place or stocked with the right supplies then slow deaths will sing songs that will echo in to the future similar to the WW2 millions unanswered prayers. If they were answered, it was in the next world/life.
If my history lessons are correct various forms of fanatical controlling governments killed more than the krauts or japs.
I’m not a military expert. I’m a Dutch aborigine shaman nut kicker.(our culture is overly saturated in cheap new age marketing , try to laugh)
The thing that will kill most will be food shortages caused by weather changes and the wars that follow or precede. Weather is always changing, Earth is always going in or out of ice ages. A limited nuke war ‘over there’ is very unpredictable. How much ash/debris will be blown up into the upper atmosphere? If enough ash is expelled it could effect the weather as much as a super volcano. Some nukes may detonate at ground level, some may detonate higher for the EMP damage. Maybe the odds for death are greater from the secondary effects of detonations.
After a limited nuke war ‘over there’, many countries will enact/expand militaries and drafts. Prices of many cheap goods will skyrocket. Ect….
If i made x amount of money i’d invest a very small percentage in a bomb shelter or some scheme monthly like any other insurance. Bomb shelters are sexier than all insurance policies combined. Even if it is never fully ‘used’, it’s a great place for seduction. Some days just being alive is pretty fucking sexy.

Sep 1, 2009

Fashion, arrangement of priorities, bomb shelters

If you are new i'd go to July, June and May to get an exquisite taste of new horror at my old posts.

These are the two most informative posts i have. Forget my writing, look at the edgy not fringey science. The edge is this. ONE possible repercussion of nuke exchanges over there such as Pakistan/India could equal a super volcano.
If you don't know now just google weather pattern changes from a super volcano.
That's just one repercussion.

South Korean Hello Kitty mafia godfather tells North Korea fuck you

women made disasters, yeah i said women, and yeah i still think women are cool